
By cathleen, 16 February, 2023

Telephonic Health Coaching (THC) trains educators to be health coaches that engage with clients by telephone and use behavior change techniques to craft individual goals related to healthy eating and physical activity. THC’s health coaches guide the participants through client-centered conversations that promote the implementation of the current USDA Dietary Guidelines for Americans. THC offers a convenient and accessible modality. Toolkit is free.

Elizabeth Boucher
Phone: 860-231-5302
Email: [email protected]


By admin, 17 October, 2022

9 topics picked by seniors: Great Grain Discoveries, All Star Senior Snacks, Heart Healthy Meals, Cooking & Seasoning with Herbs, Savory Soups, Double Strength Calcium Recipes, Fitness Fun, Dietary Fat-Fact or Fiction?, Weight Control- Energy Density. Most lessons include recipes for taste testing and educational games.

Lesson 7. Evaluating Dietary Supplements does not fall within the SNAP-Ed scope and may not be delivered by SNAP-Ed personnel.

Virtual and in-person options are available.

Mischelle Forgy

By admin, 16 October, 2022

Lessons are taught 3 times per week for 12 or 24 weeks; 3 sessions per lesson by a trained coach mentor. The K-8th grade curriculum introduces soccer to children, while also providing them and their families with the tools they need to make healthy lifestyle decisions. The program supports children in improving their physical health, increasing their knowledge about healthy lifestyles, and improving their self-esteem and behavior.

By admin, 16 October, 2022

Nutrition lessons for after school programs. Each lesson has 2 activities, which include snack preparation, hands-on activities and discussion.

University of Maryland Extension

Link:Contact University of Maryland Extension at [email protected]

By admin, 16 October, 2022

Teens CAN: Comprehensive Food Literacy in Cooking, Agriculture, and Nutrition was designed with the intention of improving food literacy of high school-aged adolescents, typically aged 13–18 years. Food literacy is comprised of overlapping knowledge and skills that are required to maintain a healthy eating pattern. This includes understanding where food comes from and being able to prepare meals that meet nutrition recommendations. Food literacy has been conceptualized for Teens CAN into three overarching topic areas: agriculture, nutrition, and cooking.

By admin, 16 October, 2022

Elementary program focusing on integrating nutrition in classroom via gardening. 9 units, each with 4 lessons (20-50 minutes each), with handouts and journal. Lessons meet science, language arts, social studies, health and math objectives. (From SNAP Ed Resource Finder). Remove references to brand names before using. Free download from google drive.

University of Maryland Extension


By admin, 17 September, 2022

A single lesson, 8 page workbook based on the current Dietary Guidelines for Americans. The workbook shows the connection between PA, food choices and health. Provides an overview of shopping tips for preparing balanced meals, portion control, label reading, food diary, & tips for getting more daily PA.

Dairy Council of CA
